1. What are the three types of secondary liability for copyright infringement?
2. Who owns the copyright to a Web site, the designer or the person who paid for the site?
3. What is a direct infringer?
4. What is a contributory infringer?
5. What is a vicaious infringer?
6. What is an inducer?
7. Can a hypertext link infringe on copyright?
8. What are the pros and cons of deep-linking?
9. What is the concern presented by framing?
10. What is a "safe harbor"?
11. What is a "takedown notice"?
12. What can a person do if his content has been wrongfully removed under the DMCA?
13. What is the "Betamax Test"?
14. List three non-infringing uses of P2P software.
15. What is the "making available" theory?
16. Has the U.S. Supreme Court ruled that P2P file-sharing is illegal?
17. What is the concept of "inducement"?
18. What is the First Sale doctrine?
19. What is the distinction between a sale and a license?


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