1. Where does the right of privacy come from?
2. Is there a difference in the way the right of privacy is defined by the U.S. Constitution and by the U.S. Supreme Court? Explain.
3. List the four categories of the tort of invasion of privacy.
4. What are the dual concepts that have evolved from the right of publicity and how do they differ?
5. What is meant by a "persona"? Give an example.
6. What factors have courts considered to determine if a use amounts to appropriation?
7. List two types of intrusion.
8. Is truth a defense to an invasion of privacy claim?
9. What is the main difference between defamation and false light in the public eye?
10. Give three examples of voluntary disclosure of personal information online.
11. How does the FTC define "personal data"?
12. How has the Internet changed the concept of "public records"?
13. List three examples of voluntary disclosure of personally identifiable information online.
14. Explain why there is a diminished expectation of privacy among the Internet Generation.
15. Do the laws of other countries provide more privacy protection than U.S. laws? Give an example.
16. What is the difference between the United States and the European Union in their approaches to privacy and why do they differ?


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