Beetle Bailey is an employee of Food Services Corp., an independent contractor for the U.S. military. Bailey travels to foreign U.S. military bases to survey the quality of the food supplied to U.S. troops by Food Services Corp. On one such trip, Bailey noticed that many of the soldiers were keeping milblogs on the Internet so Bailey decided to start his own blog. Bailey read an entry in Private Blabbit’s blog stating that the base cook, a local restaurateur who had a contract to prepare meals for the base using the food supplied by Food Services Corp., was actually selling the food shipped by Food Services Corp. on the black market and substituting cheaper, poor quality foodstuffs. Bailey reprinted Blabbit’s entire blog entry in his own blog, “Food for Thought.” The base cook sued Bailey for defamation and tortious interference with his business. Food Services Corp. fired Bailey for having added in his blog, “If the base chef has been substituting foodstuffs then he must be a superb chef because his meals taste better than the usual Food Services Corp. fare I’ve tasted in other units.” Bailey countered by suing Food Services Corp. for wrongful termination. Upset over the controversy, the base commander ordered all milblogs shut down.

List the issues involved and probable outcomes.


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